Fitness Stations

Fitness-Stations-display-image1Grades 2–5

Fitness stations are a fast-paced way to engage older students in a variety of aerobic and strength-building exercises. This activity can be performed outdoors or in the classroom. Before you conduct this activity for the first time, prepare a set of exercise signs.


Preparing the Exercise Signs

    1. Click the link below to download a PDF file containing 10 exercise signs. Each sign depicts an exercise, describes how to perform it, and lists its benefits.


    2. Print the 10-page file on 8.5-by-11-inch paper or card stock.
    3. Laminate the signs for durability.



Setting Up for the Activity

  1. Select four to six exercises from the set.
  2. Set up fitness stations with the signs. If you are administering the activity outdoors, tape each sign to a different cone and spread the cones out in a circle or square.  If you are performing the activity indoors, simply distribute the signs around the perimeter of the classroom to create the stations.


Conducting the Activity

  1. Review the exercises with your students.


    2. Distribute your students evenly at the stations.
    3. Have your students perform the designated exercise at each station for 20 to 30 seconds before giving a signal to walk to the next station.


    4. Your students should complete the circuit once or twice.