Classroom teachers who view one or more elements of the PE session as a huge challenge tend to shy away from teaching PE. I think it’s important to counteract that tendency by making the PE experience as convenient as possible for classroom teachers. Let’s tackle one common obstacle: transitioning students to and from the playground. Like all experienced teachers, I know that students are not always on their best behavior while walking through the school hallways. You can reduce the number of times that you have to transition your students between the yard and the classroom by combining a PE session with a student recess.
Let’s say that you are planning a 20-minute PE session with students whose lunch recess takes place from 12:00 to 12:45 on the same yard where you hold PE. You can bring your students out to the yard at 11:40 for the PE session, dismiss them directly to lunch at 12:00, and skip the task of bringing them back to class.
Another option is to lead the PE session at the end of a recess. Bring out whatever equipment you need towards the end of the lunch period, then bring your students to PE right from the their pick-up spot on the yard. The effect is the same—you have one less transition to manage.